This past June Barbara Pemberton had the opportunity to travel with four other members of the Ouachita faculty and staff to Manaus, Brazil, to participate in the 15th Annual Faith in Truth pastor’s conference (Fé Na Verdade).
Everything in my life – my sense of calling, my understanding of God and how to rightly worship him, and my leadership ability in a spiritual and administrative context – has grown in surreal ways since I have been a part of the worship studies program at Ouachita.
Jesus is focused on purpose—life. Jesus is the life! Today. For you. Right now. Resurrection life that empowers you to endure now and guarantees the ultimate victory over death. Jesus is asking us to trust him to work his purpose in and through and out of your suffering. Your future is certain, and his purpose now is clear: "I am the resurrection and the life."
As we celebrate Women’s History Month this March, we’re recogizing notable women at Ouachita Baptist University. Dr. Nicole Porchia ‘09 is the first African American woman to be associate vice president in Ouachita’s history. Dr. Porchia shares some of her story on Ouachita’s blog.
From the "Ouachitonian": Drs. Amy and Doug Sonheim
October 17, 2022The infectious laughter of Dr. Amy Sonheim and the careful clicking of a keyboard from Dr. Doug Sonheim would help fill the Language and Literature department for years before their combined retirement from Ouachita in Spring 2022. In the years that they have worked at Ouachita, the couple has made some amazing changes to the university.
From the "Ouachitonian": Christa Neal
October 17, 2022Christa Neal accepted the position of program advisor for community and family services in June 2021. This major trains and equips students to pursue careers in fields of community, family and social services, as well as graduate education for counseling, social work and more. This program needed someone with a variety of experiences in these fields, and Neal was the perfect fit.
What does that student-faculty ratio number mean? Mentors abound.
August 09, 2022In my opinion, one of the best things Ouachita has to offer is that it is a university of roughly 1,500 on-campus students and with a student-to-faculty ratio of 12:1. What that means when you yourself are a Ouachita student is that you’ll have great opportunities for mentor relationships with your teachers.
What is autism? What is ABA? Building understanding in Autism Awareness Month
April 11, 2022April has traditionally been known worldwide as Autism Awareness Month, and is a time to focus on increasing understanding and awareness of people with autism. In 2021, the Autism Society of America changed the designated terminology to Autism Acceptance Month. Regardless of which name you use, I hope you’ll take time this month to become educated on autism and help to create a more inclusive and accepting world for the autism community. Here is some introductory information to get you started.
From the "Ouachitonian": Bill Phelps
August 09, 2021Coming to Ouachita as a student many years ago, Bill Phelps never could have imagined being at Ouachita for 36 years. Studying history and planning to attend law school, programming and IT were far from Phelps’ radar at the time. The trajectory of his future changed forever whenever he became willing to try something new.
From the "Ouachitonian": Dr. Jeff Root
May 03, 2021Dr. Jeff Root never considered going anywhere else but Ouachita for his undergraduate education. Since both his parents worked at OBU, he spent much of his time growing up on campus. In 1991, Dr. Root came back to Ouachita as a member of the administrative staff and faculty, and in 2002 he became the dean of the School of Humanities.
Today we pause to celebrate one of the most recently acquired federal holidays; yet, it has been in the making for 156 years. What created the first Watch Night Service was the same event that declared all African Americans free from bondage. That service was held on Dec. 31, 1862, just a few hours before midnight.
As we recognize Women’s History Month this March, we’re remembering some of the notable women in Ouachita’s history. Nell Mondy '43 was a chemistry professor at Ouachita before going on to teach at Cornell University. The Nell Mondy Lecture series, along with serveral other areas of campus named in her honor, continue to show the legacy she left at Ouachita. This blog is a small look at her many accomplishments both in education and the nutrition field.
As we recognize Women’s History Month this March, we’re remembering some of the notable women in Ouachita’s history. Estelle McMillan Blake was an original faculty member of Ouachita Baptist College when its doors opened in 1886. Blake taught English at Ouachita for 53 years. Because of her support of the school’s library, the former Blake Library on campus was named for her in the 1930’s. The Arkansas Baptist paper once noted about this beloved faculty member, “every student that has known her has created in his heart an undying love for this great Christian character and teacher.” The following is an excerpt from “Ouachita in the Roaring Twenties,” written by Blake’s nephew-in-law, Donald Tatman.
Honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
January 10, 2023As we reflect on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, it is important to remember that Dr. King was a civil rights activist who fought continuously for racial equality and social justice. Dr. King condemned discrimination and segregation because of race, and he affirmed that the American dream belonged to all citizens and that everyone should have an equal opportunity to reach that dream.
From the "Ouachitonian": Dr. Tim and Coach Todd Knight
October 17, 2022Ouachita’s favorite set of faculty football brothers – Head Football Coach Todd Knight and Dr. Tim Knight, dean of the J.D. Patterson School of Natural Sciences – continue to make a lasting impact on campus. As Coach Knight led his team to wins on the football field year after year, Dr. Knight experienced his victories in the classroom. This purple-and-gold bleeding set of brothers truly make Ouachita a better place. Coach Knight keeps Ouachita’s successful football program on the map as his brother is the face behind the entire Jones Science Center operation. These two brothers are special assets to Ouachita, and Ouachita wouldn’t be the same without the Knight family.
What a year it has been! As I reflect on my first year at Ouachita and the opportunity to co-create learning, engage with students and do life in Arkadelphia, having the opportunity to “build a better you” personally, spiritually, professionally and academically in a vibrant and caring environment has been good – and a lot of fun!
Remembering President Emeritus Dr. Daniel Grant
June 03, 2022Dr. Daniel R. Grant “retired” from a distinguished career at Ouachita in 1988, just before I arrived on campus as a freshman in 1989. But we all know he didn’t really retire; he just stopped taking a paycheck. Dr. Grant advocated for his beloved Ouachita and its people for the rest of his life.
Dr. Julyse Horr: A scientist-practitioner shaped by faith
November 22, 2021Dr. Julyse Migan-Gandonou Horr, Ouachita’s new director of applied behavior analysis, credits her faith with bringing her to where she is today.
From the "Ouachitonian": Donnie Copeland
June 21, 2021Donnie Copeland had an unconventional upbringing. He grew up over 6,000 miles away from the United States in Ogbomosho, Nigeria. His parents taught at a local seminary and did mission work, such as traveling to remote villages to connect with local churches.
Pandemic Profiles: Chester Mitchell, Sr., and Coleman Rogers
March 09, 2021With nicknames like “double trouble” and “salt and pepper,” Chester Mitchell, Sr., and Coleman Rogers are the carpentry team for Facilities Management at Ouachita and are not only rarely seen apart but also good friends. With the work the duo had cut out for them last summer, any less than two sets of hands and a good sense of humor would have made overhauling campus with needed protective measures incredibly difficult.
About the Ouachita Voices blog
The Ouachita Voices blog is a place for the people of Ouachita to tell the stories of Ouachita. Lend your voice to the conversation. Submit your ideas to [email protected].
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